Cool Concepts South of the Lumbar

  1. New concepts in principles of management
  2. What the heck is Neuroplasticity?….utilising plasticity of the brain to enhance rehabilitation
  3. Isometrics: Why the hype?… To Push or to Hold
  4. Challenging Transversus: Why bracing is often not helpful. If it was all about Transversus, why even bother giving us Rectus Abdominus?
  5. Pushing the link between breathing, back pain, peripheral pain & poor performance
  6. Correcting posture for optimal system balance
  7. Pelvic Girdle Pain – mythbusters – challenging beliefs & simplifying management
  8. Palpation & Surface anatomy of the pelvic girdle….if you want to release the deep hip external rotators (eg), you need to be able to find them!
  9. Femero-pelvic control & cool concepts such as vastus lateralis & the hydraulic amplifying effect.
  10. Is it really all about the Glutes? – should we start with isometrics or launch straight into functional rehab?
  11. FAI?, Labral tear? OA hip?; tendinopathy? Let’s use Differential testing, combined with clinical reasoning to differentiate
  12. Running principles such as stride length, step rate, torque & forward trunk lean made easy. Useful Apps to use to help you assess biomechanical running faults & retrain better running & gait strategies.
  13. The poor patella-femoral joint…stuck between the hip & the ankle. Lets look above & below to improve outcomes.
  14. Sharing of Assessment Tips & Tricks learnt from Years as a Clinician at the ‘Coal-Face’
  15. The latest international consensus on how to rehabilitate lower quarter tendinopathies
  16. Multimodal management. Individualised programs. We are skilled clinicians, NOT technicians.
  17. Rehab: Learn to Load it! Using Volume & RPE to monitor improvement & incrementally increase the Load.
  18. Observe a full assessment, reasoning & management of an ‘unseen’ patient to help integrate all you have learnt.